Open Positions

I am eager to work with postdoc, technical staff, part-time workers, and PhD candidates with the skills and motivation to promote new theories of catalysis and chemical reaction networks. I believe theoretical predictions should go hand in hand with experimental verification, thus candidates from a diverse set of backgrounds are welcome, such as (but not limited to) electrocatalysis, product analysis (HPLC/GCMS), theoretical simulations (DFT, MD, or microkinetics), machine learning, applied mathematics (chemical reaction network theory, graph theory), and bioinformatics.

At the moment of writing (Dec. 2024), I am a member of RIKEN CSRS Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team led by Dr. Ryuhei Nakamura, and therefore, the decision of accepting an applicant will be made jointly by the lab head and myself. As the lab is mostly experimental, I am eager to accept new members to strengthen our theoretical projects. English is the main langauge for most scientific communication within our group, due to approximately half of our members coming from outside Japan. If you are interested, please contact me here or Dr. Ryuhei Nakamura here.

For Postdocs

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the biggest funder for postdoc scholarships in Japan. The details can be found here. Additionally, RIKEN also has its own postdoc program (Special Postdoctoral Researcher). These programs are quite competitive, but are typically considered to be among the best postdoc positions in Japan in terms of financial support and prestige. Applications are due in mid-April or May each year.

For PhD Candidates / Undergraduates

RIKEN as a research institute does not issue PhD degrees. However, we do accept PhD candidates and undergraduates as research trainees. The International Program Associate (IPA) and Junior Research Associate Program provides financial support for overseas and domestic PhD candidates.

For Technical Staff / Part-time Workers

I am currently looking for members with either experimental or theoretical skills. Please contact me for details.