A scenery from the Dutch countryside. As in research, there is always something new around the corner.


2024.09.30 Our microkinetic model of electrocatalytic lifetime was published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. The Japanese press article can be found here.
2024.09.25 Our paper on osmotic energy conversion at deep sea hydrothermal vents was published in Nat. Commun.
2024.09.24 A perspective article on the role of mathematics for electrocatalyst design was published in J. Hydrogen Energ. Sys. Soc. Japan.
2024.05.10 Our paper showing how iridium usage in PEM water electrolyzers can be decreased by over 95% was published in Science. The Japanese press article can be found here.
2024.04.16 I was awarded the CSRS Incentive Award due to advancing the theory of enzyme kinetics. I am grateful to Dr. Yoko Chiba, the co-recipient of the award, as well as everyone who has helped me during this study.
2024.02 Our paper which analyzed the activity of wild type enzymes using the Sabatier principle was accepted at Angewandte Chemie. The Japanese press article can be found here.
2024.01 Our paper on active and stable manganese oxides for PEM electrolyzers was accepted at Nature Catalysis. The Japanese press article can be found here.
2023.12 Our work on enzymatic activity was highlighted by RIKEN Research Highlight. A Japanese interview can be found here.
2023.11 Our paper on the relationship between Tafel slopes and the redox kinetics of manganese ions was accepted at J. Phys. Chem. C.
2023.10 The research page was updated and a download link to my CV was added to the page about me.
2023.08 Our paper on how to maximize enzymatic activity was accepted at Nature Communications.
2023.03 Our paper on how the activity of phosphoserine phosphatases can be rationalized based on the Sabatier principle is online at BioRxiv.
2023.02 Our paper on how to maximize enzymatic activity is online at BioRxiv.
2023.01 Website opened
2022.09 Our paper on the regulation of the electrocatalytic nitrogen cycle using sequential proton-electron transfer (SPET) was accepted by Nature Catalysis. The press release from RIKEN can be found here (Japanese).
2021.05 Our paper about enhancing the stability of Cobalt spinel oxide for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) was accepted by Nature Catalysis. The press release from RIKEN can be found here (Japanese).
2021.05 Our paper combining machine learning, microkinetic modeling, and experiments was accepted by ACS Catalysis. The press release from RIKEN can be found here (Japanese).
2021.05 Our review article on the theory of electrocatalysis was published in Frontiers in Energy Research.